Segment Information – Covestro Quarterly Financial Report on April 30th 2024

Segment Information

Segment information 1st quarter
  Performance Materials Solutions & Specialties Others / Reconciliation Covestro Group
  1st quarter 2023 1st quarter 2024 1st quarter 2023 1st quarter 2024 1st quarter 2023 1st quarter 2024 1st quarter 2023 1st quarter 2024
  € million € million € million € million € million € million € million € million
Sales (external) 1,792 1,689 1,883 1,767 68 54 3,743 3,510
Intersegment sales 607 556 8 7 (615) (563)
Sales (total) 2,399 2,245 1,891 1,774 (547) (509) 3,743 3,510
Change in sales                
Volume –18.6% 17.3% –15.4% 5.9% –16.8% 10.9%
Price –7.1% –21.3% –0.5% –10.4% –3.9% –15.4%
Currency 0.7% –1.7% 0.6% –1.7% 0.6% –1.7%
Sales by region                
EMLA 839 762 755 710 56 43 1,650 1,515
NA 489 417 485 444 8 8 982 869
APAC 464 510 643 613 4 3 1,111 1,126
EBITDA1 173 103 165 208 (52) (38) 286 273
EBIT1 29 (35) 63 135 (53) (39) 39 61
Depreciation, amortization, impairment losses and impairment loss reversals 144 138 102 73 1 1 247 212
Cash flows from operating activities 19 1 (5) 53 (33) (77) (19) (23)
Cash outflows for additions to property, plant, equipment and intangible assets 76 74 43 31 1 1 120 106
Free operating cash flow (57) (73) (48) 22 (34) (78) (139) (129)
Trade working capital2 1,291 1,101 1,712 1,575 (27) (18) 2,976 2,658

1 EBITDA and EBIT include the effect on earnings of intersegment sales.

2 Trade working capital includes inventories plus trade accounts receivable and contract assets, less trade accounts payable, contract liabilities, and refund liabilities as of March 31, 2023/2024.