Results of Operations and Financial Position of the Covestro Group – Covestro Quarterly Financial Report on April 30th 2024

Results of Operations and Financial Position of the Covestro Group

Results of Operations

Group sales declined by 6.2% in the first quarter of 2024, to €3,510 million (previous year: €3,743 million). The decrease in sales was mainly due to lower selling price levels in all regions as well as to a decline in raw material prices being passed on to customers; these factors had a diminishing effect on sales of 15.4%. In contrast, an increase in volumes sold, especially in the EMLA and APAC regions, had a positive effect on sales of 10.9%. This was boosted by higher plant availability, especially in the EMLA region. Exchange rate movements had a negative impact of 1.7% on sales.

In the first quarter of 2024, sales decreased by 5.7% to €1,689 million (previous year: €1,792 million) in the Performance Materials segment and by 6.2% to €1,767 million (previous year: €1,883 million) in the Solutions & Specialties segment. In the EMLA region, sales were 8.2% lower, at €1.515 million (previous year: €1.650 million), in the first quarter of 2024, while sales in the NA region were down 11.5% to €869 million (previous year: €982 million). In the APAC region, in contrast, sales climbed by 1.4% to €1,126 million (previous year: €1,111 million).

1 EMLA: Europe, Middle East, Latin America (excluding Mexico), Africa region.

2 NA: North America region (Canada, Mexico, United States).

3 APAC: Asia and Pacific region.

The Group’s EBITDA was down 4.5% to €273 million in the first quarter of 2024 (previous year: €286 million), largely because of lower margins. The decline in the selling price level was partially offset by lower raw material and energy prices. The rise in volumes sold had a positive effect on earnings, but the effect of exchange rate movements was negative.

EBITDA dropped by 40.5% to €103 million (previous year: €173 million) in the Performance Materials segment and increased by 26.1% to €208 million (previous year: €165 million) in the Solutions & Specialties segment.

The Covestro Group’s EBIT improved by 56.4% to €61 million in the first quarter (previous year: €39 million).

Financial Position

In the first quarter of 2024 cash outflows from operating activities amounted to €23 million (previous year: €19 million). This reflects higher income tax payments and a decline in EBITDA, which had a negative impact on cash flows from operating activities. On the other hand, less cash tied up in working capital had a beneficial effect on cash flows from operating activities.

Free operating cash flow improved, amounting to €–129 million in the first quarter of 2024 (previous year: €–139 million), largely due to a decline in cash outflows for additions to property, plant, equipment and intangible assets.

Net financial debt
  Dec. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
  € million € million
Bonds 1,990 1,991
Liabilities to banks 657 647
Lease liabilities 743 783
Liabilities from derivatives 15 16
Other financial liabilities 2 2
Receivables from derivatives (19) (8)
Gross financial debt 3,388 3,431
Cash and cash equivalents (625) (684)
Current financial assets (276) (24)
Net financial debt 2,487 2,723

In comparison with December 31, 2023, the Covestro Group’s gross financial debt rose by €43 million to €3,431 million as of March 31, 2024. This was mainly due to a €40 million rise in lease liabilities.

Cash and cash equivalents were up €59 million in comparison with the figure on December 31, 2023, to €684 million. This was primarily attributable to net proceeds of €252 million from short-term bank deposits. Conversely, cash outflows of €106 million for additions to property, plant, equipment and intangible assets as well as negative cash flows of €75 million from financing activities and of €23 million from operating activities caused cash and cash equivalents to decline. The net proceeds from short-term bank deposits mentioned earlier led to a decrease in current financial assets by €252 million to €24 million.

Net financial debt therefore grew by €236 million compared with the figure on December 31, 2023, to €2,723 million as of March 31, 2024.