Covestro Group Key Data – Covestro Half Year Financial Report on July 30th 2024

Covestro Group Key Data

2nd quarter 2023 2nd quarter 2024 Change 1st half 2023 1st half 2024 Change
Sales €3,720 million €3,690 million –0.8% €7,463 million €7,200 million –3.5%
Change in sales
Volume –8.0% 9.3% –12.5% 10.0%
Price –11.0% –9.7% –7.4% –12.5%
Currency –1.9% –0.4% –0.6% –1.0%
Sales by region
EMLA1 €1,597 million €1,538 million –3.7% €3,247 million €3,053 million –6.0%
NA2 €971 million €915 million –5.8% €1,953 million €1,784 million –8.7%
APAC3 €1,152 million €1,237 million 7.4% €2,263 million €2,363 million 4.4%
EBITDA4 €385 million €320 million –16.9% €671 million €593 million –11.6%
Changes in EBITDA
Volume –22.5% 35.6% –30.7% 41.4%
Price –94.5% –92.7% –51.6% –139.0%
Raw material price 63.4% 47.8% 18.6% 87.2%
Currency –3.1% –0.8% –1.3% –2.4%
Other5 27.1% –6.8% 14.6% 1.5%
EBIT6 €166 million €81 million –51.2% €205 million €142 million –30.7%
Financial result (€36 million) (€29 million) –19.4% (€65 million) (€59 million) –9.2%
Net income7 €46 million (€72 million) . €20 million (€107 million) .
Earnings per share8 €0.24 (€0.38) . €0.11 (€0.57) .
Cash flows from operating activities9 €149 million €19 million –87.2% €130 million (€4 million) .
Cash outflows for additions to property, plant, equipment and intangible assets €159 million €166 million 4.4% €279 million €272 million –2.5%
Free operating cash flow10 (€10 million) (€147 million) . (€149 million) (€276 million) 85.2%

1 EMLA: Europe, Middle East, Latin America (excluding Mexico), Africa region.

2 NA: North America region (Canada, Mexico, United States).

3 APAC: Asia and Pacific region.

4 Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA): EBIT plus depreciation, amortization, and impairment losses; less impairment loss reversals on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets.

5 Other changes in EBITDA such as changes in provisions for variable compensation.

6 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT): income after income taxes plus financial result and income taxes.

7 Net income: income after income taxes attributable to the shareholders of Covestro AG.

8 Earnings per share: according to IAS 33 (Earnings per Share), net income divided by the weighted average number of outstanding no-par value voting shares of Covestro AG. The calculation was based on 188,740,330 no-par shares for the second quarter of 2024 (previous year: 189,638,752 no-par shares) and on 188,740,330 no-par shares for the first half of 2024 (previous year: 189,792,703 no-par shares).

9 Cash flows from operating activities according to IAS 7 (Statement of Cash Flows).

10 Free operating cash flow (FOCF): cash flows from operating activities less cash outflows for additions to property, plant, equipment and intangible assets.