6. Earnings per Share – Covestro Half Year Financial Report on July 30th 2024

6. Earnings per Share

Earnings per share are calculated according to IAS 33 (Earnings per Share) as the relationship of the Group’s income after income taxes (net income) for the income period to the weighted average number of outstanding no-par voting shares of Covestro AG. In the first half of 2024, a weighted average number of outstanding no-par voting shares of 188,740,330 was used to calculate earnings per share, while in the first half of 2023, these shares amounted to 189,792,703. There were no dilution effects to consider.

Earnings per share
1st half 2023 1st half 2024
€ million € million
Income after income taxes 18 (111)
of which attributable to noncontrolling interest (2) (4)
of which attributable to Covestro AG shareholders (net income) 20 (107)
Shares Shares
Weighted average number of no-par voting shares of Covestro AG 189,792,703 188,740,330
Basic /Diluted earnings per share 0.11 (0.57)