Covestro Group Consolidated Statement of Financial Position – Covestro Half Year Financial Report on July 30th 2024

Covestro Group Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

June 30, 2023 June 30, 2024 Dec. 31, 2023
€ million € million € million
Noncurrent assets
Goodwill 713 712 711
Other intangible assets 548 495 519
Property, plant and equipment 5,652 5,757 5,795
Investments accounted for using the equity method 177 230 182
Other financial assets1 107 112 109
Other receivables1 141 202 114
Deferred taxes 329 265 316
7,667 7,773 7,746
Current assets
Inventories 2,863 2,724 2,459
Trade accounts receivable 2,086 2,070 1,898
Other financial assets1 413 259 311
Other receivables1 429 486 496
Claims for income tax refunds 94 90 102
Cash and cash equivalents 741 569 625
6,626 6,198 5,891
Total assets 14,293 13,971 13,637
Capital stock of Covestro AG 189 189 189
Capital reserves of Covestro AG 3,740 3,740 3,740
Retained earnings incl. total income 2,535 2,308 2,291
Accumulated other comprehensive income 382 415 370
Equity attributable to Covestro AG shareholders 6,846 6,652 6,590
Equity attributable to noncontrolling interest 31 22 28
6,877 6,674 6,618
Noncurrent liabilities
Provisions for pensions and other post-employment benefits 445 363 464
Other provisions 186 186 192
Financial liabilities 3,516 2,742 2,740
Other financial liabilities1 16 15 16
Income tax liabilities 27 42 29
Other nonfinancial liabilities1 21 25 24
Deferred taxes 262 291 256
4,473 3,664 3,721
Current liabilities
Other provisions 378 329 356
Financial liabilities 294 990 667
Trade accounts payable 1,781 1,958 1,895
Other financial liabilities1 136 116 128
Income tax liabilities 164 53 48
Other nonfinancial liabilities1 190 187 204
2,943 3,633 3,298
Total equity and liabilities 14,293 13,971 13,637

1 Prior-year figures as of June 30, 2023 adjusted. Explanations can be found in the relevant notes in the Annual Report 2023.