Segment and Quarterly Overview – Covestro Half Year Financial Report on July 30th 2024

Segment and Quarterly Overview

Segment information 2nd quarter
  Performance Materials Solutions & Specialties Others /Reconciliation Covestro Group
  2nd quarter 2023 2nd quarter 2024 2nd quarter 2023 2nd quarter 2024 2nd quarter 2023 2nd quarter 2024 2nd quarter 2023 2nd quarter 2024
  € million € million € million € million € million € million € million € million
Sales (external) 1,789 1,834 1,872 1,810 59 46 3,720 3,690
Intersegment sales 557 571 7 6 (564) (577)
Sales (total) 2,346 2,405 1,879 1,816 (505) (531) 3,720 3,690
Change in sales                
Volume –10.3% 15.0% –4.7% 4.8% –8.0% 9.3%
Price –15.3% –12.0% –6.6% –7.7% –11.0% –9.7%
Currency –1.7% –0.5% –2.2% –0.4% –1.9% –0.4%
Sales by region                
EMLA 813 822 736 679 48 37 1,597 1,538
NA 476 451 487 457 8 7 971 915
APAC 500 561 649 674 3 2 1,152 1,237
EBITDA1 302 196 221 174 (138) (50) 385 320
EBIT1 158 59 149 75 (141) (53) 166 81
Depreciation, amortization, impairment losses and impairment loss reversals 144 137 72 99 3 3 219 239
Cash flows from operating activities 26 19 205 88 (82) (88) 149 19
Cash outflows for additions to property, plant, equipment and intangible assets 103 108 55 52 1 6 159 166
Free operating cash flow (77) (89) 150 36 (83) (94) (10) (147)
Trade working capital2 1,428 1,199 1,701 1,614 (24) (19) 3,105 2,794

1 EBITDA and EBIT include the effect of intersegment sales on earnings.

2 Trade working capital includes inventories plus trade accounts receivable and contract assets, less trade accounts payable, contract liabilities, and refund liabilities as of June 30, 2023/2024.

Segment information 1st half
  Performance Materials Solutions & Specialties Others /Reconciliation Covestro Group
  1st half 2023 1st half 2024 1st half 2023 1st half 2024 1st half 2023 1st half 2024 1st half 2023 1st half 2024
  € million € million € million € million € million € million € million € million
Sales (external) 3,581 3,523 3,755 3,577 127 100 7,463 7,200
Intersegment sales 1,164 1,127 15 13 (1,179) (1,140)
Sales (total) 4,745 4,650 3,770 3,590 (1,052) (1,040) 7,463 7,200
Change in sales                
Volume –14.4% 16.2% –10.1% 5.3% –12.5% 10.0%
Price –11.2% –16.7% –3.5% –9.0% –7.4% –12.5%
Currency –0.5% –1.1% –0.8% –1.0% –0.6% –1.0%
Sales by region                
EMLA 1,652 1,584 1,491 1,389 104 80 3,247 3,053
NA 965 868 972 901 16 15 1,953 1,784
APAC 964 1,071 1,292 1,287 7 5 2,263 2,363
EBITDA1 475 299 386 382 (190) (88) 671 593
EBIT1 187 24 212 210 (194) (92) 205 142
Depreciation, amortization, impairment losses and impairment loss reversals 288 275 174 172 4 4 466 451
Cash flows from operating activities 45 20 200 141 (115) (165) 130 (4)
Cash outflows for additions to property, plant, equipment and intangible assets 179 182 98 83 2 7 279 272
Free operating cash flow (134) (162) 102 58 (117) (172) (149) (276)
Trade working capital2 1,428 1,199 1,701 1,614 (24) (19) 3,105 2,794

1 EBITDA and EBIT include the effect of intersegment sales on earnings.

2 Trade working capital includes inventories plus trade accounts receivable and contract assets, less trade accounts payable, contract liabilities, and refund liabilities as of June 30, 2023/2024.

Quarterly Overview
  1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter
4th quarter
1st quarter
2nd quarter
  € million € million € million € million € million € million
Sales (external) 3,743 3,720 3,568 3,346 3,510 3,690
Performance Materials 1,792 1,789 1,707 1,588 1,689 1,834
Solutions & Specialties 1,883 1,872 1,809 1,703 1,767 1,810
EBITDA 286 385 277 132 273 320
Performance Materials1 173 302 85 16 103 196
Solutions & Specialties1 165 221 246 185 208 174
EBIT 39 166 71 (90) 61 81
Performance Materials1 29 158 (52) (126) (35) 59
Solutions & Specialties1 63 149 178 107 135 75
Financial result (29) (36) (35) (13) (30) (29)
Income before income taxes 10 130 36 (103) 31 52
Income after income taxes (27) 45 (31) (189) (37) (74)
Net income (26) 46 (31) (187) (35) (72)
Cash flows from operating activities (19) 149 490 377 (23) 19
Cash outflows for additions to property, plant, equipment and intangible assets 120 159 182 304 106 166
Free operating cash flow (139) (10) 308 73 (129) (147)

1 The earnings of the Performance Materials and Solutions & Specialties reportable segments include the effect of intersegment sales on earnings.