ESRS E4: Biodiversity and Ecosystems – Covestro Annual Financial Report on February 26th 2025

Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities

Material impacts, risks and opportunities in respect of "Biodiversity and Ecosystems"
Type Description Time horizon1 Location2 Policies Actions Targets
Climate Change
Impact (potential negative) Due to the production, storage, and use of renewable energy and the related electrification in the upstream value chain, Covestro is directly linked to potential negative impacts on the environment. These activities often involve extracting minerals like lithium for batteries and rare earth elements for wind turbines, leading to habitat destruction, soil erosion, and water pollution. Affected stakeholders include local communities, persons in vulnerable situations, and nature. M, L 1
Impact (potential negative) Covestro contributes to a potential negative impact on biodiversity loss as the downstream transportation, processing, and usage of goods increase greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to climate change. Affected stakeholders are local communities, persons in vulnerable situations, and nature. M, L 3 ESRS E1: Sale of products based on alternative raw materials; reduction of suppliers’ Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions; MAKE projects; further actions ESRS E1: Net-zero Scope 3 GHG emissions
Impact (actual negative) Covestro is directly linked to the undertaking’s own operations, products, or services in the upstream value chains through its business relationships and the GHG emissions created as a result. This is reflected in Scope 3 upstream emissions, e.g. in Scope 3.1 Purchased goods and products or Scope 3.4 Upstream transportation and distribution. An actual negative impact from climate change indirectly induces effects on health, resources for livelihood or living space resulting from increased levels of GHG emissions, such as: extreme weather events, changed weather patterns, sea level rise etc. and related social and geopolitical conflicts. Affected stakeholders are local communities, persons in vulnerable situations, and nature. S, M, L 1 ESRS E1: Sale of products based on alternative raw materials; reduction of suppliers’ Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions; MAKE projects; further actions ESRS E1: Net-zero Scope 3 GHG emissions
Impact (potential negative) Due to the production of raw materials, refined materials, and intermediates from our upstream value chain, Covestro is directly linked to a potential negative impact on the pollution of water as water discharges containing pollutants which could alter water quality and may contribute to pollution-related issues, negative human health effects, limited access to clean water for local communities, negative effects on animals, plants, and other living organisms, aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity (due to, e.g., eutrophication or acid rain). Affected stakeholders are local communities, persons in vulnerable situations, and nature. S, M 1 ESRS E2: HSEQ management system, ESRS S2: Supplier Code of Conduct ESRS S2: Supplier assessments, training
Impact (potential negative) Due to the production of consumer products from our downstream value chain, Covestro is linked to a potential negative impact on the pollution of water as water discharges containing pollutants which could alter water quality and may contribute to pollution-related issues, negative human health effects, limited access to clean water for local communities, negative effects on animals, plants, and other living organisms, aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity (due to, e.g., eutrophication or acid rain). Affected stakeholders are local communities, persons in vulnerable situations, and nature. S, M 3 ESRS E2: HSEQ management system
Impact (actual negative) Covestro’s upstream value chain contributes to air pollution by driving demand for products from mining, extraction, and material production industries. Covestro is linked to the demand through its procurement activities. This results in emissions like particulate matter, VOCs, NOx, and SOx. Affected stakeholder is nature. S, M, L 1 ESRS S2; Supplier Code of Conduct ESRS S2: Supplier assessments, training
Impact (actual negative) Covestro contributes to an actual negative impact in the upstream operations and value chain activities, including the production, runoff, and potential spills of raw materials and chemicals, which negatively impact water quality. In case of an incident, these actions can lead to water pollution, indirectly affecting human health, access to clean water, aquatic life, ecosystems, and biodiversity. Pollutants from mining, extraction industries, and industrial sites can cause issues such as eutrophication and acid rain. Affected stakeholders include local communities, persons in vulnerable situations, and nature. S, M 1 ESRS E2: HSEQ management system, ESRS S2: Supplier Code of Conduct ESRS S2: Supplier assessments, training
Impact (actual negative) Due to non-climate related emissions caused by our production in regular operation at our production sites, Covestro contributes to a negative impact on the pollution of air as these emissions contribute to the release of substances such as CO, NOx, SOx, and VOC. These emissions occur in our own operations and can lead to pollution-related issues with negative effects on animals, plants, and other living organisms (due to e.g., eutrophication or acid rain), or negative effects on the inanimate environment. This results in negative impacts on nature. S, M, L 2 ESRS E2: HSEQ management system ESRS E2: Environmental performance, internal audits, individual local actions

1 Time horizon broken down into short-term (S), medium-term (M), and long-term (L).

2 Location within the value chain divided into upstream value chain (1), own operations (2), and downstream value chain (3).
For further information, please refer to “Impact, Risk and Opportunity Management.”
For further information, please refer to “Strategy – Interests and Views of Stakeholders.”
For further information on the policies, actions, and targets listed in the table, please refer to “ESRS E1: Climate Change,” “ESRS E2: Pollution,” and “ESRS S2: Workers in the Value Chain.”

Policies and Actions

The impacts identified as material in relation to biodiversity and ecosystems refer to the matter of climate change (ESRS E1) and pollution (ESRS E2). That is why the policies and actions are embedded in the corresponding subject matters (ESRS E1 and E2) and there are no specific policies and actions for biodiversity and ecosystems.

Our sustainability targets for reaching net-zero GHG emissions for Scope -1 and Scope -2 emissions by the year 2035 and for Scope -3 emissions by the year 2050 are contributing to limiting the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems.

The impacts and dependencies relating to biodiversity near our production sites were assessed and the analysis revealed emissions of toxic soil and water pollutants as the only potentially significant impact. The environmental impacts associated with our business activities are an integral part of our integrated Health, Safety, Environment, Energy and Quality (HSEQ) management system, which means that the impacts described above are addressed there. The integrated management system consists of various Group policies that form a holistic, integrated approach to cover all material environmental and other aspects. Each year we analyze and evaluate the effects of our activities on the environment. From our environmental performance assessment, we derive measures to reduce and minimize environmental impacts. Global process and workflow descriptions help us implement these measures throughout the Group. Adherence to processes and workflows is continuously reviewed through regularly conducted internal audits, annual self-assessments, and external certifications. The insights we gain from these measures are incorporated into our annual management review. Every process is thus subject to continuous monitoring and is updated as required.
On this basis, Covestro will continue to examine the resilience of its strategy and economic activities in relation to biodiversity and ecosystems, especially in relation to climate change (ESRS E1) and pollution (ESRS E2), since these impacts were identified as material. These impacts affect Covestro’s own operations and its upstream and downstream value chains.

For further details about the respective policies and actions, please refer to sections “ESRS E1: Climate Change” and “ESRS E2: Pollution.”


We have currently not set ourselves any specific targets for biodiversity and ecosystems in accordance with the target definition of the ESRS, because the materiality arises due to the impacts of climate change and pollution. The relevant matters are addressed in the sections below.


The analysis of the proximity of Covestro production sites to biodiversity-sensitive areas (BSAs) was conducted by an external service provider and not validated by any additional external body. It used firstly the exact geo-coordinates of the Covestro sites and secondly various datasets that contain the respective BSAs. Specifically, these were the Natura –2000– areas, a network of nature protection areas in the territory of the European Union, the World Heritage Sites, landmarks and areas that enjoy legal protection on the basis of a UNESCO-administered international convention, as well as the Key Biodiversity Areas, a list of the most important places in the world for species and their habitats. A geographical information system was used to determine the distance of all sites to the surrounding BSAs. In a first step, only areas at a distance of less than ten kilometers were taken into account. In a second step, these BSAs were examined more closely and broken down into three categories: land, sea, and rivers. The differences in the way different areas are examined is due to the fact that the ranges of the potential impacts on the BSAs differ, depending on which of the three categories they fall into. Since the impacts on land are the most limited, the BSAs for the “land” category were considered within a distance of one kilometer or less. For BSAs in the sea, a larger radius of five kilometers was considered. The largest range of impacts can occur if BSAs are downstream from a site. Here a radius of ten kilometers was taken into account. All areas meeting these conditions were added to the list of nearby BSAs. No Covestro site is within close proximity (< 10 km) of a natural or mixed World Heritage Site.

Production sites in or near Natura 2000 areas
Production site Country

Land environ-ment

(<1 km)

Sea environ-

(<5 km)

River environ-ment

(<10 km)

Name of Natura –2000– area
Antwerp Belgium X Schelde- en Durme-estuarium van de Nederlandse grens tot Gent
Barcelona Spain X X Delta del Llobregat, Espacio marino del Baix Llobregat-Garraf
Brunsbüttel Germany X Unterelbe, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Elbästuar und angrenzende Flächen, Vorland St. Margarethen
Dormagen Germany X Rhein-Fischschutzzonen zwischen Emmerich und Bad Honnef
Fos-sur-Mer France X X Camargue
Tarragona (La Canonja) Spain X Espacio marino del Delta de l'Ebre-Illes Columbretes
Leverkusen Germany X Rhein-Fischschutzzonen zwischen Emmerich und Bad Honnef
Parets del Vallès Spain X Riu Congost
Santa Margarida i els Monjos Spain X Serres del Litoral central

A total of nine production sites are close to Natura –2000– areas.

Production sites in or near Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA)
Production site Country

Land environ-ment

(<1 km)

Sea environ-

(<5 km)

River environ-ment

(<10 km)

Name of KBA
Barcelona Spain X X Delta del Llobregat, Aguas del Baix Llobregat - Garraf
Brunsbüttel Germany X Pinneberger Elbmarschen, Elbmarsch Stade-Otterndorf
Changua (district) Taiwan, Greater China X Tatu Rivermouth Wildlife Refuge
East Providence United States X Hundred Acre Cove
Hoek van Holland Netherlands X X Oostvoornse Meer, Hollandse Kust
Tarragona (La Canonja) Spain X Plataforma Marina del Delta del Ebro - Columbretes
Meppen Germany X Groß Fullener Moor
Qingdao China X Qingdao-Rizhao coastal wetland and islands
Tsuchiura Japan X Lake Kasumigaura, Ukisima
Waalwijk Netherlands X Getijde - beïnvloede Maas

A total of ten production sites are close to key biodiversity areas (KBAs). A total of 16 sites are close to Natura –2000– areas and KBAs. The total land area occupied by these sites is 800 hectares.

The tables below list the sites by ecological status of the areas concerned. All sites are close to Natura –2000– areas or KBAs, with the exception of the site in Qingdao, which is located within a KBA. To determine the ecological status of the areas, the biodiversity intactness was measured using the abundance-based Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) and the richness-based BII. The abundance-based BII looks at the total number of animals and plants of the different species, while the richness-based BII looks at the number of different species. Both indices are measured on a scale from 0% to 100%, they were last determined in the year 2019.

Sites by ecological condition of areas based on abundance-based BII
Ecological condition Sites
80.1% to 100.0% Qingdao
60.1% to 80.0% Antwerp, Fos-Sur-Mer, Hoek van Holland
40.1% to 60.0% Barcelona, Brunsbüttel, Dormagen, East Providence, Leverkusen, Meppen, Parets del Valles, St. Margarida i els Monjos, Tarragona (La Canonja), Tsuchiura, Waalwijk
20.1% to 40.0% Changhua (County)
0.0% to 20.0%
Sites by ecological condition of areas based on richness-based BII
Ecological condition Sites
80.1% to 100.0%
60.1% to 80.0% Hoek van Holland, Qingdao
40.1% to 60.0% Antwerp, Barcelona, Brunsbüttel, Dormagen, Fos-Sur-Mer, Meppen, Parets del Valles, St. Margarida i els Monjos, Tarragona (La Canonja), Tsuchiura, Waalwijk
20.1% to 40.0% Changhua (County), East Providence, Leverkusen
0.0% to 20.0%

ESRS E4 Biodiversity and Ecosystems in principle also provides for qualitative and quantitative disclosures on anticipated financial effects of material risks and opportunities in connection with biodiversity and ecosystems. In accordance with ESRS 1 Appendix C, Covestro applies the phased-in disclosure requirements in the first year of preparing the Group Sustainability Statement. There is accordingly no need to make the specified disclosures in the first year.