24. Financial Instruments – Covestro Annual Financial Report on February 26th 2025

24.1 Financial Instruments by Category

The following tables show the carrying amounts and fair values of the individual financial assets and liabilities in accordance with IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments):

Carrying amounts of financial instruments and their fair values as of December 31, 2024
Measurement according to IFRS 9
Carrying amount Amortized cost Fair value through other comprehen- sive income Fair value recognized through profit or loss Measure-ment according to
Fair value
€ million € million € million € million € million € million
Financial assets
Trade accounts receivable 1,749 1,749 1,749
Other financial assets 155
Loans and bank deposits 96 24 72 96
Other investments 15 15 15
Receivables from forward exchange contracts1 6 6 6
Receivables from commodity derivatives2 7 7 7
Receivables from embedded derivatives1 5 5 5
Receivables under lease agreements 12 12 26
Miscellaneous financial assets 14 14 14
Cash and cash equivalents 509 509 509
Financial liabilities
Financial debt 3,156
Bonds 1,492 1,492 1,492
Liabilities to banks 870 870 877
Lease liabilities 736 736
Liabilities from forward exchange contracts1 17 17 17
Other financial debt 41 41 41
Trade accounts payable 2,101 2,101 2,101
Other financial liabilities 145
Refund liabilities 104 104 104
Accrued interest on liabilities 16 16 16
Liabilities from commodity derivatives2
Liabilities from embedded derivatives1 1 1 1
Miscellaneous financial liabilities 24 24 24

1 Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting.

2 Derivatives that qualify for hedge accounting.

Carrying amounts of financial instruments and their fair values as of December 31, 2023
Measurement according to IFRS 9
Carrying amount Amortized cost Fair value through other comprehen- sive income Fair value recognized through profit or loss Measure-ment according to
Fair value
€ million € million € million € million € million € million
Financial assets
Trade accounts receivable 1,898 1,898 1,898
Other financial assets 420
Loans and bank deposits 352 277 75 352
Other investments 22 22 22
Receivables from forward exchange contracts1 19 19 19
Receivables from commodity derivatives2
Receivables from embedded derivatives1 2 2 2
Receivables under lease agreements 10 10 30
Miscellaneous financial assets 15 15 15
Cash and cash equivalents 625 625 625
Financial liabilities
Financial debt 3,407
Bonds 1,990 1,990 1,971
Liabilities to banks 657 657 664
Lease liabilities 743 743
Liabilities from forward exchange contracts1 15 15 15
Other financial debt 2 2 2
Trade accounts payable 1,895 1,895 1,895
Other financial liabilities 144
Refund liabilities 97 97 97
Accrued interest on liabilities 19 19 19
Liabilities from commodity derivatives2
Liabilities from embedded derivatives1
Miscellaneous financial liabilities 28 28 28

1 Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting.

2 Derivatives that qualify for hedge accounting.

The fair values of financial instruments are determined and reported in accordance with IFRS 13 (Fair Value Measurement) on the basis of the fair value hierarchy described below:

Level 1 covers fair values determined on the basis of quoted, unadjusted prices that exist in active markets.

Level 2 comprises fair values determined on the basis of parameters that are observable in an active market.

Level 3 applies to fair values determined using parameters whose input factors are not based on observable market data.

Because of the generally short maturities of cash and cash equivalents, loans and bank deposits, trade accounts receivable and payable, and other financial assets and liabilities, their carrying amounts do not significantly differ from the fair values.

The fair values of noncurrent receivables under lease agreements are calculated on the basis of interest curves observable in the market. Additionally, a discount for cash flows that are very far in the future is applied as an unobservable factor.

The following table shows the assignment of the financial instruments to the three-level fair value hierarchy:

Fair value hierarchy of financial instruments
Fair value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Fair value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Dec. 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2024
€ million € million € million € million € million € million € million € million
Financial assets carried at fair value
Loans and bank deposits 75 66 9 72 67 5
Other investments 22 22 15 1 14
Receivables from forward exchange contracts1 19 19 6 6
Receivables from commodity derivatives2 7 7
Receivables from embedded derivatives1 2 2 5 5
Financial liabilities carried at fair value
Liabilities from forward exchange contracts1 15 15 17 17
Liabilities from embedded derivatives1 1 1
Financial liabilities not
carried at fair value
Bonds 1,971 1,971 1,492 1,492
Liabilities to banks 664 664 877 877
Other financial debt 2 2 41 41

1 Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting.

2 Derivatives that qualify for hedge accounting.

Reallocation between the different levels of the fair value hierarchy takes place at the end of the reporting period in which the change occurred. During the fiscal year, no financial instruments were reallocated to a different level of the fair value hierarchy.

The table below shows the changes in Level 3 financial instruments:

Changes in the net amount of financial assets and liabilities allocated to Level 3
2023 2024
€ million € million
Net carrying amounts, Jan. 1 33 33
Gains/(losses) recognized in profit or loss 2
of which related to assets/liabilities recognized in the statement of financial position 2
Gains/(losses) recognized outside profit or loss (8)
Additions of assets/(liabilities) 1
Settlements of (assets)/liabilities (5)
Net carrying amounts, Dec. 31 33 23

The gains and losses from Level 3 financial assets and liabilities are reported as follows:

  • Gains and losses from embedded derivatives recognized in profit or loss are reported in other operating income or expenses
  • Gains and losses from other debt instruments recognized in profit or loss are reported in the other financial result
  • Gains and losses from other financial investments are reported in other comprehensive income from equity instruments

The classification of income, expenses, gains, and losses from financial instruments by measurement category in accordance with IFRS 9 is shown in the table below:

Net result by measurement category in accordance with IFRS 9
2023 2024
€ million € million
Financial assets carried at amortized cost 77 63
of which net interest 40 33
Equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 1 1
of which net interest
Financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss (78) (6)
of which net interest (30) (20)
Financial liabilities carried at amortized cost (88) (155)
of which net interest (101) (99)

Investments in Equity Instruments Measured at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income

Covestro acts as a start-up investor as part of the Covestro Venture Capital (COVeC) approach newly developed in fiscal 2020. Investments associated with COVeC activities are recognized either as debt instruments at fair value through profit and loss or as other financial investments at fair value directly in equity, depending on the contractual design.

Other financial investments are recognized at fair value directly in equity because they are held for the long term for strategic reasons. Other financial investments amount to €15 million (previous year: €22 million), of which €11 million (previous year: €18 million) was attributable to Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH, Erlangen (Germany), and €3 million (previous year: €3 million) to Hi-Bis GmbH, Bitterfeld-Wolfen (Germany). In fiscal 2024, the Covestro Group received dividends of €1 million (previous year: €1 million) from other financial investments, of which €1 million (previous year: €1 million) was attributable to Hi-Bis GmbH.

Supplier Finance Arrangements

A small number of Covestro’s suppliers are participating in a prefinancing program (supplier finance arrangements, SFAs) as part of efforts to improve supplier relations. Under this program, suppliers are given the opportunity to have the invoice underlying the current trade payable paid before it is due, with a discount. Covestro does not incur any additional costs as a result of the program.

Such scenarios could lead to a change in the presentation of the original liability in the consolidated financial statements if the nature, function, and risk of the liability subject to the financing program differs from other trade payables. In the case of the current programs, however, the underlying conditions do not result in any changes to the presentation in the consolidated financial statements because neither is the liability legally extinguished, nor are the contractual terms substantially modified. For this reason, the corresponding amounts continue to be reported under trade payables and the associated cash flows are therefore included in cash flows from operating activities in the statement of cash flows.

As of the December 31, 2024, reporting date, there are outstanding liabilities to 70 suppliers that are part of a supplier finance arrangement, amounting to a total of €93 million and thus accounting for approximately 4.4% of the total reported trade payables (€2,101 million). Of this amount, the suppliers in question have already received €85 million.

The periods for the payment terms of these SFA liabilities outstanding as of the reporting date can be broken down into “up to 60 days” (as of the reporting date, 5 suppliers with outstanding liabilities of €11 million), “61 to 120 days” (as of the reporting date, 33 suppliers with outstanding liabilities of €33 million), “121 to 180 days” (as of the reporting date, 30 suppliers with outstanding liabilities of €47 million), and “more than 180 days” (as of the reporting date, 2 suppliers with outstanding liabilities of €2 million).

The periods for the payment terms of trade accounts payable not covered by a supplier finance arrangement also range from 0 to 360 days. This breakdown reflects the diversity of our supplier relationships, although the focus is on standard market payment terms.

The change in liabilities included in supplier finance arrangements primarily results from increases attributable to the purchase of goods and services and subsequent payment. There were no significant non-cash changes in these liabilities.

24.2 Financial Risk Management and Information on Derivatives

Capital Management

The main purpose of financial management is to ensure solvency at all times, continuously optimize capital costs, and reduce the risks of financing measures. Financial management for the Covestro Group is performed centrally by Covestro AG.

Capital management pursues a prudent debt management strategy, drawing on a balanced financing portfolio, which is based primarily on bonds, Schuldschein loans, commercial papers, syndicated credit facilities, and bilateral loan agreements.

Covestro intends to maintain financing structures and financial ratios that support a solid investment-grade rating in the future. As in fiscal 2023, Covestro AG currently holds a Baa2 investment-grade rating with a stable outlook from the rating agency Moody’s Investors Service, London (United Kingdom).

For its capital management, Covestro uses, among other tools, debt ratios published by recognized rating agencies, such as gross financial debt including provisions for pensions (adjusted gross financial debt) in relation to EBITDA as well as cash flow figures in relation to net financial debt including provisions for pensions.

Adjusted gross financial debt/EBITDA
2023 2024
€ million € million
Gross financial debt 3,388 3,150
Provisions for pensions 346 269
Adjusted gross financial debt 3,734 3,419
EBITDA 1,080 1,071
Adjusted gross financial debt/EBITDA 3.5x 3.2x

For information on the composition of gross financial debt and net financial debt, see the explanations in the Group Management Report on "Net Financial Debt."

Credit Risk

Credit risk is the risk of a loss for the Covestro Group when a counterparty is unable to meet its payment obligations arising from a financial instrument as contractually stipulated. Payment obligations to the Covestro Group primarily comprise trade accounts receivable, debt instruments, other financial assets, and contract assets.

The carrying amount of the financial assets and the contract assets represents the maximum credit risk exposure.

The impairment loss for financial assets and contract assets recognized during the year resulted almost exclusively from impairment losses on trade accounts receivable. Net impairment losses amounted to €7 million (previous year: €3 million) in the reporting year.

Trade Accounts Receivable and Contract Assets

The following table presents the gross carrying amounts and the expected losses for trade accounts receivable and contract assets:

Expected credit loss by category as of December 31
2024 A B C D E Total
Expected loss rate (%) 0.01 0.03 0.12 0.70 6.00
Gross amount (€ million) 319 648 660 129 43 1,799
Expected loss (€ million) (1) (1) (3) (5)
2023 A B C D E Total
Expected loss rate (%) 0.01 0.03 0.12 0.70 6.00
Gross amount (€ million) 335 626 806 157 44 1,968
Expected loss (€ million) (1) (1) (3) (5)

The accumulated impairment losses amounted to €30 million (previous year: €30 million) for those customers that the Covestro Group considers credit impaired on the basis of this assessment. The corresponding gross carrying amount was €31 million (previous year: €30 million). Indicators for customers being credit impaired include significant financial difficulties of the customer and a breach of contract such as default or delinquency. Determining that a customer is credit impaired does not occur automatically when payments are overdue for more than 90 days but is instead always based on the individual assessment conducted by Credit Management.

Total impairment losses for trade accounts receivable and contract assets changed as follows:

Reconciliation of expected credit loss
2023 2024
€ million € million
Valuation allowances, Jan. 1 (36) (35)
Net remeasurement of valuation allowances (3) (7)
Write-offs 4 7
Valuation allowances, Dec. 31 (35) (35)

The Covestro Group limits the credit risk exposure from trade accounts receivable by stipulating the shortest payment terms possible. In addition, the Covestro Group has a widely diversified customer portfolio. In order to avoid concentration of risk, customer limits are set, regularly monitored, and exceeded only in agreement with Credit Management.

Receivables of €19 million (previous year: €17 million) are secured mainly by letters of credit.

Debt Instruments

The Covestro Group generally pursues a conservative investment policy based on a strategy of maintaining liquidity and safeguarding value. Consequently, investments are mainly limited to counterparties with investment-grade ratings, simple debt instruments, and short-term investment horizons. Credit risks, particularly concentration of risk with individual counterparties, are managed by means of a Group-wide limit system in conjunction with ongoing monitoring. Covestro also acts as a start-up investor as part of the Covestro Venture Capital (COVeC) approach newly developed in fiscal 2020. Investments associated with COVeC activities are recognized either as debt instruments at fair value through profit and loss or as other financial investments at fair value directly in equity, depending on the contractual design.

As in the previous year, Covestro did not undertake any material reclassifications of debt instruments between the levels of the general impairment model during the fiscal year. The Covestro Group held no collateral for debt instruments in fiscal 2024 or in the previous year.

Because of the low credit risk profile, the Covestro Group is not exposed to significant credit risk from debt instruments. For fiscal 2024 and for the previous year, the risk provision calculated using the general approach is immaterial both overall and for the individual stages.

Currency Risks

Currency opportunities for and risks to the Covestro Group result from changes in exchange rates and the related changes in the value of financial instruments (including receivables and payables) and future cash inflows and outflows denominated in foreign currencies. Material receivables and payables in liquid currencies from operating and financial activities are generally fully hedged through forward exchange contracts. A value-at-risk approach is used to manage foreign currency exposures arising from planned receivables and liabilities. As in the previous year, the planned foreign currency exposure was not hedged. It will be hedged using forward contracts if the foreign currency risk increases significantly. The extent of the currency risk is presented below by means of a sensitivity analysis.

The currency risk shown in the sensitivity analysis results from the following:

  • The unsecured portion of receivables and payables in nonfunctional currencies
  • Unsecured bank deposits and liabilities to banks in nonfunctional currencies

Sensitivities were determined based on a hypothetical scenario in which the euro depreciates by 10% against all other currencies compared with the year-end exchange rates. Under this scenario, the estimated hypothetical gains recognized in profit or loss as of December 31, 2024, would have totaled €5.5 million (previous year: €3.8 million). The table below shows the distribution of these effects among the individual currencies:

Sensitivity by currency - depriciation of €
2023 2024
Currency € million Currency € million
CNY 1.6 USD 3.0
USD 1.4 CNY 1.3
MXN 0.2 MXN 0.6
Other 0.6 Other 0.6
Total 3.8 Total 5.5

A hypothetical scenario in which the euro appreciates by 10% against all other currencies compared with the year-end exchange rates would lead to losses recognized in profit or loss in approximately the same amount.

Sensitivity by currency - appreciation of €
2023 2024
Currency € million Currency € million
CNY (2.3) USD (3.0)
USD (1.5) CNY (1.2)
MXN (0.2) MXN (0.6)
Other (0.5) Other (0.6)
Total (4.6) Total (5.4)

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is the risk of not being able to meet existing or future payment obligations. The liquidity status of all material Group companies is continuously planned and monitored. Liquidity is secured via cash pooling agreements as well as internal and external financing. The syndicated, revolving credit facility of €2.5 billion, which is available through March 2027, particularly provides additional financial flexibility.

The liquidity risks to which the Covestro Group was exposed from its financial instruments can be divided into obligations for interest and repayment installments on financial liabilities, payment obligations arising from derivatives and loan commitments. The following tables show the maturity structure of the nondiscounted contractually agreed payments arising from these line items:

Maturity analysis of financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments
Carrying amount Contractual cash flows
Dec. 31, 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 after 2029
€ million € million € million € million € million € million € million
Financial debt
Bonds 1,492 24 535 31 530 7 507
Liabilities to banks 870 539 11 139 7 32 204
Lease liabilities 736 167 169 129 86 72 251
Other financial debt 41 40 1
Trade accounts payable 2,101 2,101
Other financial liabilities
Refund liabilities 104 104
Accrued interest on liabilities 16 16
Miscellaneous financial liabilities 24 12 2 10
Liabilities from derivatives
Liabilities from forward exchange contracts1 17 10 7
Liabilities from embedded derivatives1 1 1
Receivables from derivatives
Receivables from forward exchange contracts1 6 6
Receivables from commodity derivatives2 7 6 1
Receivables from embedded derivatives1 5 5
Loan commitments 160
Carrying amount Contractual cash flows
Dec. 31, 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 after 2028
€ million € million € million € million € million € million € million
Financial debt
Bonds 1,990 544 35 535 31 531 513
Liabilities to banks 657 64 482 6 133 1 26
Lease liabilities 743 132 137 109 119 69 320
Other financial debt 2 1 1
Trade accounts payable 1,895 1,895
Other financial liabilities
Refund liabilities 97 97
Accrued interest on liabilities 19 16 2 1
Miscellaneous financial liabilities 28 15 3 10
Liabilities from derivatives
Liabilities from forward exchange contracts1 15 15
Receivables from derivatives
Receivables from forward exchange contracts1 19 19
Receivables from embedded derivatives1 2 2
Loan commitments 156

1 Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting.

2 Derivatives that qualify for hedge accounting.

In addition to recognized nonderivative liabilities and derivative financial instruments, there are loan commitments of €160 million (previous year: €156 million), which are mainly attributable to the obligation, under certain conditions, to grant initial funding loans to Bayer-Pensionskasse VVaG, Leverkusen (Germany), and Rheinische Pensionskasse VVaG, Leverkusen (Germany. As of December 31, 2024, this resulted in unchanged obligations of €156 million (previous year: €156 million), which may result in disbursements by Covestro AG in subsequent years.

In this analysis, foreign currencies were translated at closing rates. Derivative financial instruments are reported as net amounts.

Interest Rate Risks

Interest rate opportunities and risks for the Covestro Group arise from changes in capital market interest rates, which could lead to changes in the fair value of fixed-rate financial instruments and in interest payments in the case of floating-rate instruments. To minimize adverse effects, interest rate risk is managed centrally based on an optimized debt maturity structure.

A sensitivity analysis based on our net floating-rate receivables and payables position at the end of fiscal 2024, taking into account the interest rates relevant to our receivables and payables in all principal currencies, produced the following result: A hypothetical increase in the interest rates by 100 basis points or one percentage point would (assuming currency exchange rates remain constant) result in an increase in interest expense of €15.3 million (previous year: €6.3 million). A corresponding hypothetical reduction in interest rates would lead to a decline in interest expenses by the same amount.

Raw Material Price Risks

The Covestro Group requires significant quantities of different forms of energy and petrochemical feedstocks for its production processes. Procurement prices for energy and raw materials may fluctuate significantly. Important raw materials are procured on the basis of long-term supply agreements and active supplier management to minimize substantial price fluctuations.

In addition, the energy price risk for electricity and natural gas at Covestro’s German sites has been hedged in advance for a portion of the projected electricity and natural gas requirements with a rolling time horizon of 18 months since fiscal 2024 using derivatives. The energy price risk relating to natural gas is also hedged for the natural gas price component in the price paid for steam by Covestro Deutschland AG. The identifiability and measurability of this steam risk component are based on the existing relevant contractual arrangement.

Energy price risk relating to electricity and natural gas is hedged using fixed-for-floating swaps based on the average day-ahead price for a given month and a given energy volume in megawatt hours, which are designated as cash flow hedges as part of hedge accounting. The risk of variability in payments due under a group of highly probable forecast electricity and natural gas purchase transactions based on the average day-ahead price is exactly offset using fixed-for-floating swaps that specify net cash settlement of the payments. A direct hedging ratio is used, i.e., the hedge ratio is 1:1. Potential hedge ineffectiveness could result primarily from the cancellation of originally planned purchases, which would lead to a different average realized monthly energy price due to the difference between expected demand falling below the hedged notional amount. The average hedging price of the designated fixed-for-floating swaps held as of December 31, 2024, to hedge energy price risk was €93.4/MWh for electricity and €41.4/MWh for natural gas.

The effects of the hedging relationships on the statement of financial position, the hedged notional amount, and the hedge ineffectiveness to be determined are presented for fiscal 2024 in the following table:

Cash flow hedge accounting effects in fiscal 20241
€ million
Carrying amount of hedging instruments
Financial assets 7
Financial liabilities
Nominal value of hedging instruments 89
of which current 72
of which noncurrent 17
Change in fair values for assessing ineffectiveness
Hedging instrument 7
Hedged transaction (7)

1 No prior-year figures are shown as hedge accounting was not used until fiscal 2024.

The carrying amounts of cash flow hedges are reported under the “other financial assets” item in the statement of financial position in the case of financial assets and under the “other financial liabilities” item in the case of financial liabilities.

A reconciliation of the cash flow hedge reserve (before tax) in equity is shown in the table below:

Changes in the cash flow hedge reserve (before tax) in fiscal 20241
€ million
January 1, 2024
Hedging effects recognized in other comprehensive income 7
Transfer of cash flow hedge reserve to inventories (1)
December 31, 2024 6

1 No prior-year figures are shown as hedge accounting was not used until fiscal 2024.

To determine the sensitivities, an increase or decrease of 10% in the price of natural gas or electricity compared with the average hedging price of the designated fixed-for-floating swaps held as of December 31, 2024, was assumed. Measurement of the fixed-for-floating swaps held at the reporting date would result in a corresponding increase in other components of equity from hedging transactions by €3.5 million for natural gas and by €5.9 million for electricity. A reduction would lead to a decrease in other components of equity from hedging transactions in the same amount.

Other Market Risks

As of the reporting date, Covestro had recognized embedded derivatives from virtual power plant agreements (vPPAs) at a positive fair value of €5 million. These derivatives result from long-term agreements to purchase electricity from renewable sources of energy, which were entered into to further the company's sustainability targets.

To determine the sensitivities, it was assumed that the underlying price of electricity and the underlying production volume in MWh would increase or decrease by 10% in each case. If the assumed price of electricity increased by 10%, the fair value of the embedded derivatives would be unchanged at €5 million. The same applies to an increase in the assumed production volume in MWh by 10%. If the assumed price of electricity decreased by 10%, the fair value of the embedded derivatives would decline to €3 million, and if the assumed production volume in MWh decreased by 10%, their fair value would fall to €4 million.

Global Netting or Similar Agreements

As of the reporting date, the nominal volume of the forward exchange contracts used to hedge currency risk amounted to €1,800 million (previous year: €2,415 million).

Covestro has entered into master netting or similar agreements for derivative financial instruments. These take effect in particular in the event of the insolvency of one of the contractual partners involved. The derivative financial instruments covered by netting agreements from the perspective of the Covestro Group are presented in the table below:

Disclosures for netting of financial assets and liabilities as of December 31
Gross amounts of financial assets/liabilities Net amounts of financial assets/liabilities presented in the statement of financial position Amounts in the statement of financial position eligible for netting covered by netting agreements Net amounts after possible netting
€ million € million € million € million
Receivables from forward exchange contracts 6 6 1 5
Liabilities from forward exchange contracts 17 17 1 16
Receivables from forward exchange contracts 19 19 5 14
Liabilities from forward exchange contracts 15 15 5 10